Sunday, February 3, 2008


Have you taken your hunter to Serpentshrine Cavern yet? I brought Hunter once when he was with his old guild but they couldn't just couldn't get everyone on the same page. It's not their fault, it was their first try. They've done pretty well for themselves in SSC since we left them. So now with this new guild we'd figure give it another shot. There was some confusion in the beginning, til me and Hunter figured out that the we had to kill the snake people hunter's before the Sporebats would stay sheeped. The rest of the trash mobs weren't too bad. Hunter talked to the nice healer lady from the old guild a little, cause they were there too. She gave some advice to kill the big guy we were about to fight.

Anyways so we get to this Hydross thing. Now this thing changes depending on where it is. First it's all waterlike, and the longer we bite him, the more water damage will be done. So what is supposed to happen is when he gets to a certain damage percentage, the meatshield is supposed to bring him across some line, (Hunter stops shooting, I go back to Hunter)and the new meatshield takes over as Hydross gets sick. We do our thing for a minute or two then switch it up as the 1st meatshield takes over for water form. Seems easy enough right? The problem is whenever there's a switch there's a bunch of elementals who show up and start making problems. Ok, so some people say they'll take care of the them. Problem solved right?

It would be if things went the way things had been planned. Apparently it wasn't just me and Hunter's first time fighting Hyrdoss, the rest of them hadn't fought him either. A bunch of stuff went wrong, but if boiled down to dealing with the changes properly. Since a all those elementals appear when Hyrdoss switches phases, if he switches too soon all they add up too quickly and kill everyone. And boy did they kill everyone. Eventually things got figured out properly and we killed him. It was late and there wasn't any other killing to be done that night. They're supposedly going back tonight, but Hunter is watching some bowl thingy and we couldn't convince him to watch it and go.

Other news of the week, Snakes on a Trap finished out it's 1st week 4 and 6. Almost made it 5-0 on Monday night, but they went up against a Hunter and Shamama-Lama-Ding-Dong team where the Hunter had like 5 pieces of arena gear. I mean I can't say that Hunter sucks cause he killed my Hunter, but really, if you have that much stuff for arena's why are you on a team with less than a 1500 rating? Other than that, Hunter made friends with the dragon people, well sort of. Now's he's using 2 weapons instead of just one. He says he's just trying something new. He also got rid of Bacon and got one of those ugly flying snake things Once again, he says he's just testing things out. They went with a guildie to Old Hillsbrad Foothills, partially to help, partially to get rep. The old man ended up bald. HAHA THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR TAKING THAT STUPID SNAKE THINGY!

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