Saturday, January 26, 2008

Killing Things, Arenas, and Battleground Weekends

So I've had alot of fun killing things this week. We took it easy for a few days after The Eye. Killed some Clefthoofs and did some fishing in and around Telaar, some demons south of Ogri'la, and those annoying bird people near my old cave. Just kinda rest and relax for a few days. I needed a bit of a catnap after the excitement of the weekend.

While I was chill-laxing, hunter apparently has been up to a little something something. First of all he finally got around to naming scorpid (the little twunt is now known as Kitty). Second, and probably more news worthy, he found a guild-mate willing to join him in arena battle! He brought Kitty with them as they were spanked by another hunter and a can of healing. Kitty tried to blame it on the ale hunter had been drinking all night. Friday they went back before Warsong Gulch, and Snakes on a Trap didn't fair much better. The hunter and mage wiped floor with them, Kitty almost had the lock down but the shadow priest kept saving them, and I was brought in against can of sword smacking and the can of healing for the longest fight of the teams short career (4 minutes). My claws don't work well on solid metals.
They did win one fight. Kitty stung the hell out of the druid, and the hunter apparently wasn't as good as Hunter. :)

Then it was time for one of my favorite things Warsong Gulch!!! For those of you who are not familiar with this battleground you get your hunter and nine more to capture the flag of a bunch of horde. Now for most pets, your job is to take your hunter and go with the offensive team to get the flag. I don't recommend letting your hunter taking the flag when there are cans or druids around. The job of you and your hunter is to kill the people trying to get your flag carrier. Now you need to know what to go after first to be effective. No cans, they are bad for our nail job. I also don't recommend going after shamma-lamma-ding-dongs, cause they are probably wearing metal too. You wanna go for the squishies. Many people will tell you squishies are wearing cloth. This is not always the case. Those sneaky stabby people are squishies too. The it's a tree, it's a cat, it's a bear, it's a people things can be tricky.
That's task one. Task two is getting back the flag. Hunter is one of the best classes for finding the other teams flag carrier. We find them, hide and let everyone else know where the flag is, and then pounce when reinforcements show up. Plus if our flag carrier drops it, we're in great position to grab the flag. (please note that this is the only time you're hunter should have the flag and it should be given to a can at the first available moment)
But my favorite is flag guarding. We stealth, hunter stealths, and we destroy whoever comes to pick up our flag. Now we don't just go jumping on the first thing in red in the room. No No No. We wait for someone to actually take the flag. Why? generally the first ones in are there to distract us so cans can grab the flag.

Anyways tonight there may be some WSG, some Karazhan, or possibly some 80's metal. We haven't decided.

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